Liliana Bravo Sierra

Community Hero

Liliana Bravo Sierra

(MEX) Mexico:  Nurse

Nominee Highlights:

Liliana Bravo Sierra is a nursing student in Mexicali Baja California. She is dedicated to the practice of nursing and caring for patients. She is passionate about helping others, and is dedicated to leaving her school in a better state than when she began, providing a legacy for future students to follow in her path.

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Liliana Bravo Sierra has been an outstanding student since the beginning of her career, receiving excellent grades and an important award for academic excellence. She is constantly helping people around her, in her clinical practice and academically. Ms. Sierra is a proactive nurse, having participated in the Nursing Student Society in the Autonomous University of Baja California, where she excelled in her role as general coordinator.  In one year alone, Ms. Sierra has contributed to over 50 activities for the benefit of the faculty, colleagues, and the community of Mexicali Baja California, Mexico. She is currently an intern and sigma member at the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales para los Trabajadores del Gobierno y Municipios del Estado de Baja California (ISSTECALI) Hospital, and joined the Mexican Association of Nursing Students as vice president to carry out work to improve the state of Baja California. In her position as general coordinator, and with the support of the faculty, Ms. Sierra led efforts to clean the land that had been contaminated, and encouraged other faculties from her university to follow their example, contributing to improving the ecology in their area.  Supported by the school, the nursing faculty managed to plant a forest of trees, and participated in a recycling challenge to raise money to help children with cancer. Ms. Sierra has also participated in the organization of a food drive for older adults in nursing homes, collecting toys for children in orphanages, and donating water and serums for the homeless, deported, and migrants. 

Ms. Sierra assisted in coordination of the First International Congress of Emergencies for the Faculty of Nursing, bringing presenters from Spain, the United States, Chile, and Mexico. In addition, she has contributed to the donation of an automated external defibrillator, benches and chairs, steam irons and other items to her faculty, to take ownership of and leave a legacy for her department. Ms. Sierra is a nurse committed to her profession and her community.